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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/Logger/RDefault/Debug.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/Logger/RDefault/Debug.php
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namespace RedBeanPHP\Logger\RDefault;

RedBeanPHP\Logger as Logger;
RedBeanPHP\Logger\RDefault as RDefault;
RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;

 * Debug logger.
 * A special logger for debugging purposes.
 * Provides debugging logging functions for RedBeanPHP.
 * @file RedBeanPHP/Logger/RDefault/Debug.php
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license BSD/GPLv2
 * @copyright
 * copyright (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij
 * This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Debug extends RDefault implements Logger
     * @var integer
protected $strLen = 40;

     * @var boolean
protected static $noCLI = FALSE;

     * @var boolean
protected $flagUseStringOnlyBinding = FALSE;

     * Toggles CLI override. By default debugging functions will
     * output differently based on PHP_SAPI values. This function
     * allows you to override the PHP_SAPI setting. If you set
     * this to TRUE, CLI output will be suppressed in favour of
     * HTML output. So, to get HTML on the command line use
     * setOverrideCLIOutput( TRUE ).
     * @param boolean $yesNo CLI-override setting flag
     * @return void
public static function setOverrideCLIOutput( $yesNo )
self::$noCLI = $yesNo;

     * Writes a query for logging with all bindings / params filled
     * in.
     * @param string $newSql the query
     * @param array $newBindings the bindings to process (key-value pairs)
     * @return string
protected function writeQuery( $newSql, $newBindings )
//avoid str_replace collisions: slot1 and slot10 (issue 407).
uksort( $newBindings, function( $a, $b ) {
            return (
strlen( $b ) - strlen( $a ) );
        } );

$newStr = $newSql;
$newBindings as $slot => $value ) {
            if (
strpos( $slot, ':' ) === 0 ) {
$newStr = str_replace( $slot, $this->fillInValue( $value ), $newStr );

     * Fills in a value of a binding and truncates the
     * resulting string if necessary.
     * @param mixed $value bound value
     * @return string
protected function fillInValue( $value )
        if (
is_array( $value ) && count( $value ) == 2 ) {
$paramType = end( $value );
$value = reset( $value );
        } else {
$paramType = NULL;

        if (
is_null( $value ) ) $value = 'NULL';

        if (
$this->flagUseStringOnlyBinding ) $paramType = \PDO::PARAM_STR;

        if (
$paramType != \PDO::PARAM_INT && $paramType != \PDO::PARAM_STR ) {
            if ( \
RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\AQueryWriter::canBeTreatedAsInt( $value ) || $value === 'NULL') {
$paramType = \PDO::PARAM_INT;
            } else {
$paramType = \PDO::PARAM_STR;

        if (
strlen( $value ) > ( $this->strLen ) ) {
$value = substr( $value, 0, ( $this->strLen ) ).'... ';

        if (
$paramType === \PDO::PARAM_STR) {
$value = '\''.$value.'\'';


     * Depending on the current mode of operation,
     * this method will either log and output to STDIN or
     * just log.
     * Depending on the value of constant PHP_SAPI this function
     * will format output for console or HTML.
     * @param string $str string to log or output and log
     * @return void
protected function output( $str )
$this->logs[] = $str;
        if ( !
$this->mode ) {
$highlight = FALSE;
/* just a quick heuristic to highlight schema changes */
if ( strpos( $str, 'CREATE' ) === 0
|| strpos( $str, 'ALTER' ) === 0
|| strpos( $str, 'DROP' ) === 0) {
$highlight = TRUE;
            if (
PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && !self::$noCLI) {
                if (
$highlight) echo "\e[91m";
$str, PHP_EOL;
            } else {
                if (
$highlight) {
"<b style=\"color:red\">{$str}</b>";
                } else {
'<br />';

     * Normalizes the slots in an SQL string.
     * Replaces question mark slots with :slot1 :slot2 etc.
     * @param string $sql sql to normalize
     * @return string
protected function normalizeSlots( $sql )
$newSql = $sql;
$i = 0;
strpos($newSql, '?') !== FALSE ){
$pos = strpos( $newSql, '?' );
$slot = ':slot'.$i;
$begin = substr( $newSql, 0, $pos );
$end = substr( $newSql, $pos+1 );
            if (
PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && !self::$noCLI) {
$newSql = "{$begin}\e[32m{$slot}\e[39m{$end}";
            } else {
$newSql = "{$begin}<b style=\"color:green\">$slot</b>{$end}";
$i ++;

     * Normalizes the bindings.
     * Replaces numeric binding keys with :slot1 :slot2 etc.
     * @param array $bindings bindings to normalize
     * @return array
protected function normalizeBindings( $bindings )
$i = 0;
$newBindings = array();
$bindings as $key => $value ) {
            if (
is_numeric($key) ) {
$newKey = ':slot'.$i;
$newBindings[$newKey] = $value;
            } else {
$newBindings[$key] = $value;

     * Logger method.
     * Takes a number of arguments tries to create
     * a proper debug log based on the available data.
     * @return void
public function log()
        if (
func_num_args() < 1 ) return;

$sql = func_get_arg( 0 );

        if (
func_num_args() < 2) {
$bindings = array();
        } else {
$bindings = func_get_arg( 1 );

        if ( !
is_array( $bindings ) ) {
$this->output( $sql );

$newSql = $this->normalizeSlots( $sql );
$newBindings = $this->normalizeBindings( $bindings );
$newStr = $this->writeQuery( $newSql, $newBindings );
$this->output( $newStr );

     * Sets the max string length for the parameter output in
     * SQL queries. Set this value to a reasonable number to
     * keep you SQL queries readable.
     * @param integer $len string length
     * @return self
public function setParamStringLength( $len = 20 )
$this->strLen = max(0, $len);

     * Whether to bind all parameters as strings.
     * If set to TRUE this will cause all integers to be bound as STRINGS.
     * This will NOT affect NULL values.
     * @param boolean $yesNo pass TRUE to bind all parameters as strings.
     * @return self
public function setUseStringOnlyBinding( $yesNo = false )
$this->flagUseStringOnlyBinding = (boolean) $yesNo;